How it began

Johan Sundberg's architectural work started in Lund almost 20 years ago. He grew up interested in art, architecture, and graphic design. At 19, he found his way to architecture, a suitable mix of art and technology. Johan studied architecture at Lund University and had a breakthrough with his first significant house, Villa Bergman-Werntoft, designed during his final year at school and built in Ljunghusen in southern Sweden. 

After this first success, Johan received commissions for several more houses. The office can now showcase an impressive portfolio, with most homes in Skåne and southern Sweden built close to nature and driven by a distinct architectural language. The office has also designed apartments and office environments and created Andrum, a peaceful, elegant spa facility in the town of Höör. The office’s approach always starts from the experience;

“We work from a total effect of the architectural tools, an emotional response, not an artificial order,” says Johan. “It’s about human needs and atmospheres.”

The studio today

At JSA, we are not just a team of 14 architects and designers. We are a dedicated group committed to creating spaces that harmonise simplicity, functionality, and timelessness. 

We believe architecture should facilitate well-being, and our projects embody this ethos through a thoughtful, human-centred approach. Influenced by Scandinavian design traditions, we emphasise natural materials and a refined aesthetic. Each project - be it a private house or a commercial space - reflects our commitment to honest craftsmanship and timeless design. 

At JSA, we believe in the transformative power of architecture. We strive to create environments that not only meet practical needs but also enrich and re-sensualise the everyday experiences of those who inhabit them.

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Johan Sundberg Arkitektur
Lund, Sweden
+46 (0)46 15 21 21